Editor’s Note

Holden Andrews, Editor in Chief

Nottoway, Va. – This semester has not ended like any of us have planned, nor has it been what any of us truly signed up for.

Staying motivated during this period of distance learning can be incredibly difficult. The days feel longer than they did while on campus, the work feels much more strenuous and the interaction between students and faculty sometimes doesn’t feel conducive to a proper learning environment.

Yet we all must keep in mind that we are getting close to the end – classes are almost over and exams are coming up. It’s important to realize that we still have the ability to learn throughout this mess, and even though it can seem like a monumental task, it is a blessing. All of us have a myriad of other things to worry about; loved ones, food shortages and money to name a few, but as students, we still have the opportunity to get an education.

We can still finish out the semester, and it may not be the way that all of us wanted, but it’s got to be close enough. COVID-19 may have taken us off our college campus, but it should not have taken our reason for going to college – to learn.

Whether you are returning to Bridgewater in the fall, or graduating and utilizing the skills you learned here, finish the semester strong, and then wear it as a badge of honor. Use it in interviews and throughout the rest of your studies.

If you can finish your work and your exams even through this pandemic, you can do just about anything.

One final thing – keep in mind all the memories that you made at Bridgewater College. It’s incredibly important to hold on to good things in these dark times, and the moments you had at Bridgewater should be cherished for what they are – good things.