BC United: An Organization that Educates Students

The Motives that Drive the Organization to Help Bridgewate Students

Shannon Pope Director of Student Wellness 
and advisor for BC United guides the club as they promote student wellbeing.


Shannon Pope Director of Student Wellness and advisor for BC United guides the club as they promote student wellbeing.

Jalissa White-Jones, Staff Writer

Bridgewater, Va.- BC United is an organization on Bridgewater College’s campus that spreads awareness about issues that would typically affect college students. A few of those issues are drinking and safe dating. 

BC United has “the perspective of 27 members from all different groups across campus. They all bring unique perspectives about the health issues college students are facing,” said Shannon Pope, BC United’s advisor.

With all the various members having different ideas, BC United’s goal still remains common. Our “ ideal goal for BC United is to encourage students to take responsibility for the health and safety of themselves and those around them. We want to encourage a caring community where people are looking out for one another,” said Pope. 

BC United is also responsible for training all first year students and athletes on topics including bystander intervention, substance use and healthy relationships.

The group’s first non-training event will take place in October during Homecoming and Halloween. To make themselves “extra visible,” said Pope.

BC United is normally located in the KCC when hosting events.