Student Perspectives on Housing Process

Kaia Richardson

Seniors Trevor Brooks and Gerald Eddy became roommates this academic school year in Stone Village. They have built a friendship ever since their housing selection.

Kaia Richardson, Staff Writer

Bridgewater, Va- Bridgewater College’s annual housing selection process has been completed for the 2023-24 school year, and students have mixed opinions about the process’ reliance on GPA and earned credits.

Every year, the housing selection process consists of three phases. The first phase discusses housing accommodations along with choosing location preferences, while the second phase offers roommate matching. 

The third phase is the housing selection. This year, Residential Life allows students who have made a selection the opportunity to change it by filling out a waitlist.

Housing points are an important part of the housing selection process due to a student’s housing points deciding their selection time slot, or the order in which they choose their room. A student’s earned credits and cumulative GPA as of March 1, 2023 are combined to create the points.   

“As a senior in my last year, one reason for why I felt very motivated to maintain a high GPA all four years was knowing that I’ll be rewarded with a housing location that was due to my academic efforts,” said senior Trevor Brooks. 

The process of housing selection is a management technique with a goal of minimizing mistakes and errors caused by technological or human functions. 

“The phases are important because it allows for the housing process to be broken up into manageable pieces. The roommate search portion in phase two is helpful for people who have no idea who to room with, as it allows them to message people they’re compatible with through the housing portal,” said junior Residency Advisor Elena Larcombe.  

The perspective of the housing process varies from student to student. Some students believe that the process is too reliant on GPA, and are not happy with their time slot.

“I didn’t like the time slot we had for our housing this year because it doesn’t show the true character of my academic achievements,” said sophomore Lestath Savage. “It is very competitive, but a higher GPA shouldn’t be one of the sole reasons why I get stuck where I am. I will be an upperclassman next fall, and I have worked hard to maintain my grades and propel myself to the next school year. I don’t think there should be two factors into when you get your time slot.”

Other students are happy with their time slot and the overall process. 

“My buddy had all the housing points, so it was a smooth transition to have him choose our housing location. I will be in Stone Village next fall, and going from being in a freshmen dorm residence to Stone Village is a very happy change for myself. I am thankful that my roommate had enough points to match us in Stone Village,” said first-year Calvin Hulleman.