Eagles Defeated by Roanoke on Senior Day

Roanoke Maroons Took a 76-44 Victory Over The Eagles

  • Senior guard Chandler Murray shoots a free-throw in the first half of the men’s basketball game against Roanoke College.

  • The Bridgewater men’s basketball team plays offense in the second half of their game against Roanoke College.

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Olivia Carson, Staff Writer

BRIDGEWATER, Va. – Within the first ten minutes of the half, Bridgewater turned the ball over seven times and failed to score a single point for a solid eight minutes, letting Roanoke score the game’s first 17 points. On the other hand, Roanoke came off the opening tap and immediately collected their first three-pointer scored by senior guard Caleb Jordan.

Senior forward Davrion Grier put the first points on the board for the Eagles with a dunk at almost eight minutes into the game and continued with making his single free throw for a score of 17-3. 

After a successful jump shot from freshman guard and forward Jalil Langston, the Eagles kept just five points on the board for about five minutes until senior guard and forward Monte Simpkins hit the team’s first three-pointer at 5:02 left in the half. 

With Bridgewater down by 22 points, the Maroons ended the half with two free throws made by Jordan which brought the score to 34-12. 

Roanoke’s sophomore guard Tripp Greene became the first player in the game to make double figures after he made a three-pointer 40 seconds into the second half. 

Sophomore guard Cameron Williams made the Eagles’ first points of the half with two successful foul shots at 17:28 left. 

Ending the game as Bridgewater’s leading scorer with a total of 17 points, sophomore guard Liam Caswell kept the deficit to 22, scoring ten points in four minutes.

Roanoke’s largest lead of the game, which was 33 points, occurred twice in the second half when freshman forward Ethan Rohan made a jump shot at 5:55 and again after Senior guard Brandon Harrell hit a three-pointer with 5:25 left. 

The final points were put on the board for Bridgewater when Senior guard TJ Turner shot a three-pointer with just two minutes left in the game, leaving the Eagles with 44 points. 

Caswell was the only Bridgewater player to make double figures while Greene and freshman  guard and forward Kasey Draper tied with 19 points to lead the Maroons. 

Caswell described the game as a “missed opportunity.” He and freshman guard Bryson Canty both agreed that they did not expect the score to be as low as it was and came into the game with a mindset that they could definitely take home awin. 

The Eagles who are now 4-11 in their conference and return to the court next Saturday, Feb.22 at Hampden-Sydney to wrap up their regular season.