Day of Giving 2020
Online and On-Campus Events Draws Record Numbers of Donors and Donations
The Day of Giving livestream, hosted by Bridgewater College Athletics, was broadcast live in the new John Kenny Forrer Learning Commons.
March 20, 2020
Bridgewater, Va.- This year’s Day of Giving event raised a record amount of money, with alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and students all participating. Held on Monday, March 9, the Day of Giving involved several campus events, as well as an online site allowing donors to choose a specific fund to donate to, including athletic teams and academic departments.
The main feature on campus was a live-stream hosted by Bridgewater College athletics. The live-stream was filmed at the John Kenny Forrer Learning Commons and lasted almost six hours. Faculty, staff and students representing various athletic teams, academic departments, and campus organizations participated in the live-stream, which was broadcast online and at various sites around campus.
The Forrer Learning Commons, headquarters for the Day of Giving event, also hosted a faculty and staff breakfast, as well as activities to get people on campus involved. Faculty, staff, and students who donated received two raffle tickets, and could choose from several raffle options, including gift cards for Smitty’s Cafe and Amazon. Students also had the opportunity to earn raffle tickets by writing thank-you notes to donors.
During lunch in the main dining hall at the Kline Campus Center, students who signed thank-you notes could earn either a raffle ticket or a ticket to spin the wheel, which offered BC gear prizes such as tote bags, license plate holders, and swag towels. According to Cara Hopson, director of annual giving, students signed hundreds of thank-you notes.
“Together, the BC community raised over $138,000 with more than 730 gifts on our biggest Day of Giving to date,” said Hopson. “Nearly 45% of Bridgewater College’s Day of Giving donors were alumni, but we had amazing support from the entire BC community. Gifts were made by alumni, parents, friends, faculty, staff, and even students. It was an incredible example of the power of each and every eagle and the amazing things that can happen when we all come together.”
According to the Day of Giving website, the Bridgewater College Class of 1970 50th Reunion Gift raised the most money, over $31,000, while the Bridgewater Fund had the highest number of donors (109). Women’s soccer, women’s golf, men’s basketball, and football were also at the top of the leader boards.
“We were thrilled with Day of Giving this year. It was a true team effort, building on cross-campus partnerships to plan both the online and on-campus events of the day,” saidd Hopson. “We are incredibly grateful for the generous and dedicated support of our Bridgewater College community, particularly in light of the challenging circumstances we are all facing right now. We cannot thank our partners and donors enough or fully express our gratitude to all of those who came together to make a powerful impact on Bridgewater College on Day of Giving 2020.”