The Music Production Club Plays On
In the Midst of Ongoing Challenges the Club Makes Future Goals
DAW music platform in use.
September 25, 2020
Bridgewater, Va. – As Covid-19 has presented challenges for students and teachers in a class setting, it has also become a hurdle that clubs have to overcomes well.
Senior Max Riley and the music production club reveal that the start of the semester has been difficult. With the variety of changes, nothing has exactly been the same since coming back to campus or the computer.
“Show and tell is a pretty big part of meetings. Or was before Covid. This semester hasn’t been super productive for the club or meetings. But we want to dedicate most of the meeting time for people to come forward and show the group what they have been working on or learning so that the group can give some peer input and feedback.”
Riley asserts that a big step for the music production club in the future is to become a bigger influence on live sounds at campus events.