How to Become Certified in Law Enforcement Before Graduation
Easy Route for Crime and Justice Minors to Excel in their Future Career
The Bridgewater College campus police station is located on 122 College View Street. All of BS’s police officers were trained and certified as officers through the Central Shenandoah Criminal Justice Training Academy.
September 29, 2020
Bridgewater, Va. – As the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause restrictions throughout Bridgewater’s campus, the division of Humanities and Social Sciences has found ways to keep students engaged and on track with their college career.
Head of the humanities and social sciences division, Harriett Hayes, feels that not many students are aware of the school’s partnership with the Central Shenandoah Criminal Justice Training Academy.
The Criminal Justice Training Academy provides students with a way to become completely certified in law enforcement before they graduate college.
Sociology Professor Timothy Brazill was contacted by the Central Shenandoah Criminal Justice Training Academy in hopes of finding students who are willing and qualified to attend their academy.
“It is a very intensive program that counts as eighteen credits,” says Brazill.
The academy takes students through a four month training program that they have to attend five days a week. Due to the time requirement and that the program is only offered in the spring, it is highly recommended that students plan ahead and commit to the program early on in their college career.
For more information on this academic program contact Dr. Brazil: