Senior Instructor of Sociology Skip Burzumato Co-Advises New Minor
Senior Instructor of Sociology Skip Burzumato. Burzumato is in his 12th year at Bridgewater College and is now advising a new program.
November 15, 2022
Bridgewater, Va.- Senior Instructor of Sociology Skip Burzumato is in his 12th year teaching at BC. He teaches primarily in the sociology department, as well as courses in the department of music, a course in family and consumer sciences and a course in the digital media strategy M.A. program.
What’s New?
- Burzumato helped launch a new minor at the college along with Associate Professor of Psychology Randall Young.
- “We just started a new leadership and community engagement minor at the college,” said Burzumato. “I am teaching a new course in that program: Foundations of community engagement (SOC 210E ). Of the 18 students in the class, four are part of the minor.”
- Outside the classroom, Burzumato has enjoyed attending Bridgewater football games this year. “I’ve loved our home football games,” said Burzumato. “The team has been playing great and the marching band has been out of this world. My daughter is marching in the color guard this year, so it’s been fun attending games as a BC parent as well as a faculty member.”
Why it Matters
- With the launch of the new leadership and community engagement minor, students have the opportunity to reflect on their communities and learn valuable professional skills in leadership and engagement.
- “It’s been very enjoyable to get students thinking about the local communities where they grew up and where they might want to settle down some day,” said Burzumato.
- Burzumato also enjoys the connections he makes at Bridgewater with his students.
- “[The thing I like most about Bridgewater is] how well I get to know my students. I came from a large research university where I hardly even knew my students’ names.”
What’s Ahead
- The leadership and community engagement minor, housed in the sociology department, is open to any major. The introductory course, foundations of community engagement (SOC 210E ), will be offered again next fall.