3.141592 Day
Computer Science and Digital Scholarship Guru’s Host Pie Day
March 22, 2022
On March 14, in celebration of the mathematical constant 3.141592 or pi, the Computer Science Club and Digital Scholarship Guru’s hosted a Pie Day event in McKinney 226. The mathematical constant is used in the formula for calculating the area and circumference of a circle.

The event was led by the clubs co-president Anton Kopti, a junior who taught a mini lesson on the pi formula and the coding it can be used in. “The Computer Science Club and Digital Scholarship Guru’s are collaborating together to spread tech literacy around Bridgewater’s campus,” said Kopti.

“This is our second event for spreading tech literacy around Bridgewater and today we are going to be teaching them about python, which is a coding language on Pie Day,” said Kopti. “We have done a HTML and CSS before, that is just the coding languages to build websites.”

On the overhead projector, Kopti displayed an equation for calculating Pi for randomness from a blog on his own website .The blog covers the principles of calculating for randomness and the Monte Carlo method.

While on the black board, Kopti was giving a lesson on calculating the chances of landing a dart somewhere on a dart board using the principles of pi. “We are approximating pi using a principle called the Monte Carlo Principle, which is like calculating pi for randomness,” said Kopti.

While listening to Kopti’s lecture, those who attended the event were enjoying a variety of pies provided by the club, including apple, chocolate and blueberry pie. “I think it was a really cool thing to do for Pie Day to get Computer Science majors, Math majors and Physics majors together,” said junior Seth Spire.

Some of the attendees at the event had lesser known favorite pie flavors. “I’ve only had the apple pie so far, but my favorite pie overall is peanut pie,” said Spire. “It’s kinda like pumpkin pie, but with a peanut and maple syrup mixture.”

In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Computer Science Club will host an event in collaboration with Women at Work. On March 23, they will be hosting a Women of STEM Panel in the FLC.