What’s New with Bridgewater College Engage?
Bridgewater Engage worship team leading the club in worship music. The worship team sang three songs and had the song lyrics on the projector for the congregation to sing along.
November 15, 2022
Engage is a Christian faith-based club on Bridgewater campus. The organization considers themselves to be a club with fun, food, connection and worship.
What’s New?
- Engage looks slightly different this year than it did in the past, with a different schedule and different events.
- “Engage is a little less traditional this year,” said Chaplain Robbie Miller. “In previous years, we did contemporary music and the rest of the service was more traditional. We wanted to make service more special this year, so we started meeting less.”
- Engage changed their meeting times to every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. They made the events more casual and fun to cater to college students.
- “We are about having fun, always having food, being together with the spirit of God and worshiping God,” said Miller.
Why it Matters:
- Community is important to Engage, and many of their initiatives are connecting with the community and appealing to college students. They play games and have food to feed the community.
- “The best part is the community. Coming off the Covid years, the community really started to lack,” said senior Ben Riddle. “Robbie and I have been trying to bring that back, and I think God is definitely working here because he’s bringing people here. People are getting to know each other and learning about him in a community setting.”
What’s Ahead:
- With Miller retiring at the end of the year, the future for Engage is up in the air.
- “Whoever succeeds me in the position will have the option of continuing it as is or bringing their own spirit and creativity to it. Whether or not it will continue will be determined by whoever comes after me,” said Miller.