The Seniors of Symphonic Band
“I’d say what influences me the most is the people around me. Percussion is a very welcoming section to be part of, and I have made really good friends with our shared interests of rhythm, especially with sharing sheet music with one another, you really get to know the person next to you.” “My favorite memory of symphonic is always the Christmas concert, the atmosphere is always so joyful in our ugly Christmas sweaters, especially though when we got into a groove last year during polar express. I had some older folks come up to me saying our smiles were very bright and it just kinda makes you feel that no matter if you’re playing some complex snare bit, or playing a singular triangle ding, you have an important part within the band that the audience notices.” “The first time coming to symphonic I remember being kinda nervous since I was a choir kid in high school, and only did concert band during Covid on flute. I do remember the piece ‘Lightning Field’ really got my confidence up as a percussionist and now I get excited playing whatever instrument is placed in front of me. Specifically cymbals though, cymbals will always have a very strong place in my heart.”
“Dr. Carrillo has been the greatest influence on my experience as a musician. She’s been a great role model both inside and outside the classroom. As a music education major, it’s very helpful watching up front how she directs the band and handles rehearsals.” “I can’t think of any specific moment but definitely my favorite part about playing in the ensemble every year has been the music that Dr.Carrillo has chosen for us. Every semester I’ve gotten to play consistent hits and it’s been really fun.” “I was definitely more timid my first year playing with Bridgewater because I wasn’t confident in where I stood in my playing abilities. I was more concerned about other people perceiving me and how I played back then but I think I ended up getting over that pretty quickly because the grade level of music was in my comfort area and I began to make friends in the band.”
“Seeing the growth of my peers has made me want to grow more as a musician. I always wanted to strive to be the best I could be and hearing others around me pushed me to work even harder.” “I’d have to say the rehearsal led by Professor Flowe last semester was my favorite. He picked almost all of the pieces that I enjoyed, his energy was unmatched, and the band sounded really great under his direction.” “The band has grown significantly in both ensemble size and playing quality. We were very small my first semester and played very easy music. Even then, we struggled to get ready for the concert on time. This past semester we had a huge group and played the hardest selection of music I have ever had in one single semester. Even better, we played all of it really well!” “I tried to assess what was an issue and what needed to be done in order to fix anything that stood out to me. We may try something different in a rehearsal like changing a rhythm or playing one note at a time, but we always apply that to the actual music in order to keep the composer’s design as faithful as possible.”
“The aspect that has influenced me the most as a musician are the other people involved with the music program. During my time in symphonic band, I’ve met a lot of other students who are extremely talented when it comes to playing, composing, and teaching. I initially took symphonic band to keep pursuing my hobby of playing my instrument, but through the influence of my fellow students I’ve come to have a much better understanding of music and even my own instrument. Their excitement to practice and get better every day is contagious to say the least. I don’t think I’d be the same musician I am today without them.” “It’s hard to single out my favorite semester or even my favorite memory, these past few years have passed very quickly for me. If I had to choose a favorite memory, I would have to say it would have to be the end of my first concert with the symphonic band my freshman year. I was nervous about first joining because my high school band was extremely competitive and switching over to a more relaxed environment gave me a weird feeling. I was used to running on all cylinders all the time back then, so it was difficult to wind myself down. After our first concert I felt like I didn’t need time to breath, and I could enjoy the moment for what it was. Instead of burning myself out over a concert I could find pride in my performance. I think that’s my favorite memory, being able to find enjoyment in the music I played after that first concert.” “As I mentioned before, I was used to always taking the most serious approach to music. Compared to back then I can definitely say that I’ve cooled down. I think these past 4 years of doing symphonic band in a college setting have made me a more mature musician. I’m not a music major and my career path doesn’t really steer towards that field either, but I still want to be able to play my instrument and even write some of my own music in the future. I realize that there will always be a better player than me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still find enjoyment in my hobby. Seeing how I’ve finished my last concert I can honestly say that I feel at home when I play with the rest of the band.”
“I would say the people have influenced me the most. The music was always fun, but the people are what make it more fun and help when there are tricky spots in the music. The band would not be the fun and exciting place we get to go to if it were not for the people.” “My favorite memory would probably have to be this semester when two of my best friends got to go up and conduct the band, Owen and Parker. They both did such a great job.” “The very first time I was in symphonic band, I was so nervous. I did not know how hard the music was going to be, and there were also really good trumpet players that I was playing with. At the time, I think I looked at is as a me versus them thing. They were so good, and then there was me. Now though, I do not see it as that. I see it as I get to perform and make music with my friends.”
“I would say the changing atmosphere , this band has been constantly growing and adding new people. We not only grow as an individual musician but also as an ensemble.” “I would say any concert. Looking out into the audience and seeing little kids dance or the adults get into it to. It always makes me smile. There’s also a sense of togetherness that happens when we hit the last cord of the last song and all of our hard work is out there. We all stand and then we go out into the crowd and back to our friends in the band. It’s just a different feeling.” “I was definitely scared my first semester. Being a freshman and having to audition seeing the upper classes and how good they are was intimidating. Over the years, it got easier with the audition process and become the upper classmen you get to start shaping the environment.”