The 2023 College Awards Ceremony Honors Outstanding Students and Alumni

Around 80 students received awards at the event


Sophomore Ewan Benjamin accepts an award from President David Bushman during the event. Benjamin received the Philosophy Award and the Esther Mae Wilson Petcher Memorial Scholarship.

Hunter Aversa, Staff Writer

Bridgewater, Va.- The annual college awards ceremony was held this past Saturday, April 15 in Cole Hall to honor outstanding students and alumni for their remarkable efforts at Bridgewater College.

About 80 students received awards on the day. The Rhodes School of Arts and Humanities, the School of Natural Sciences, the School of Professional Studies and the College presented the awards to students. 

The jazz band performed throughout the event at the start, during transitions, at the halfway and during the ending period. A number of students on stage received awards and would return to their seating in the ensemble. 

Throughout the event, Leona Sevick, Provost and Executive Vice President read out the awards. 

The awards for the School of Professional Studies were presented by Dean of the School of Professional Studies Barbara Long, the awards for the Rhodes School of Arts and Humanities were presented by Dean of the Rhodes School of Arts and Humanities Betsy Hayes and the awards for the School of Natural Sciences were presented by Dean of the School of Natural Sciences Philip Spickler. 

The presentation of Alumni Awards was conducted by President David Bushman and Brad Hallock, Bridgewater College Alumni Association President.

The Carlyle Whitelow Award goes to a current Bridgewater College student who exemplifies Whitelow’s kindness and generosity of spirit, demonstrating a commitment to service to others.

“It means a lot that I was nominated by people around campus and faculty members that recognized what I did as worthy of it,” said senior Hunter Sloane, recipient of the Carlyle Whitelow Award.

The Dale V. Ulrich Physics Scholarship Award is based on academic merit and presented to a rising senior in the form of a scholarship toward senior year tuition, a plaque and the addition of the recipient’s name to the permanent plaque in the McKinney Center for Science and Mathematics.

“It is pretty cool because I feel like I have put a lot of effort into physics and I do a lot of things for the school, so it was nice to have some kind of award,” said Junior JT Francis, recipient of the Dale V. Ulrich Physics Scholarship Award.

The Alumni Legacy Scholarship is presented to a rising junior or senior whose parents graduated from Bridgewater College and was awarded to sixteen different students.

“I feel proud to be a third generation attendee of Bridgewater College,” said sophomore Collin Rhodes, recipient of the Alumni Legacy Scholarship. “Both my mother and my grandmother attended this school and both went on to have successful lives. I feel like Bridgewater College is a big reason for that because it supported them and helped get them to where they are today.”

After the ceremony concluded, winners were sent off to take pictures. There was a reception in the KCC lobby for attendees.