New Sipe Center Provides Benefits and Attractions for Community
Discounted Movies in Walking Distance of Campus
In walking distance of campus, the Town of Bridgewater’s new Sipe Center offers discounted movie showings, live events, and a space for community gatherings.
January 21, 2020
Bridgewater Va.- On Nov. 1, 2019, the Sipe Center opened at 100 North Main Street. Construction on the building, which is in walking distance of campus, began in Jan. 2019. According to the Sipe Center’s website, the location formerly housed “Sipe’s Store.” However, deterioration had caused the old building to become a public safety issue. The new facility not only provides benefits for the community, but also offers a convenient new attraction for Bridgewater College students.
Each weekend, Thursday through Sunday, the Sipe Center offers movie showings at discounted prices. For example, the film “Little Women,” which was released in most theaters on Dec. 25, 2019, will be shown at the Sipe Center Thursday, Jan. 23 through Sunday, Jan 26. Other showings so far have included “Jumanji: The Next Level,” “Frozen 2,” and “Avengers: Endgame.”
All movie tickets are $5. However, certain showings are designated “B-Free” events. These tickets are free for Bridgewater residents who are B-Rec card holders. Bridgewater College students’ IDs carry the same privileges as B-Rec cards. Just as Bridgewater students are able to ice skate at Generations Park and play mini-golf at Sandy Bottom Park for free, students are able to get free tickets to “B-Free” movie showings with a student ID.
The Sipe Center also offers a variety of live events, such as local theatre performances and international musicians. The grand opening of the center in Nov. featured The Hunts, seven siblings from Chesapeake, Virginia who perform alt-indie rock music. Street Corner Symphony, an a cappella group from Tennessee that placed second in NBC’s “The Sing-Off,” will perform on Feb. 7 as part of Bridgewater’s Charter Day celebrations. Tickets for live events cost between $5-$30.

Moviegoers leaving the Sipe Center after “Jumanji: The Next Level” walk under the Town of Bridgewater’s seal, a Latin phrase which means “enriching each other.”
So far, the response from the community has been very positive. Megan Byler, Coordinator of Parks and Recreation for the Town of Bridgewater, shared that several live events have sold out, including some performances coming up in Feb. and April. Showings of popular movies such as “Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” and “Toy Story 4” have sold out as well.
Byler also pointed out that the Sipe Center will be used as a venue for public gatherings and council meetings. This frees up space at the Bridgewater Community Center, which will allow the police department to expand. Additionally, the Sipe Center hosts church services on Sunday mornings.
Freshman Ben Riddle shared his experience: “The Sipe Center is a great opportunity for Bridgewater to grow closer as a community and encourage togetherness. I’ve been able to go to a church service and a movie with friends and I’m impressed by what it’s accomplished so far! I’m excited to see what else the Sipe Center has in store for Bridgewater as it continues to bring people together.”
More information and a schedule of upcoming showings and events can be found at the Sipe Center website.